
HR Recruitment & Consulting

Glemer International, based in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is a leading HR Recruitment & Consulting firm...


Seasonal Work Program

Glemer International's Seasonal Work Program in Myrtle Beach's hospitality industry offers exciting temporary employment...


Staffing Solutions & Management

Streamline and empower your workforce Glemer International offers comprehensive staffing solutions and management services...


Cultural Exchange Program

Glemer International's Cultural Exchange Program offers a unique opportunity for individuals in the hospitality industry...

We understand your needs!

At Glemer International, we specialize in HR recruitment and consulting, offering comprehensive staffing solutions and management services specifically tailored to the hospitality industry.
We understand the unique challenges organizations face in acquiring and retaining skilled talent to drive success and growth in this dynamic sector.


Our recruit, train, and deploy solution provides a strategic and proactive approach to address your organization’s talent needs.
We collaborate closely with you to identify skills gaps and develop a customized plan that attracts and onboard new talent while building the necessary skills within your existing workforce.


To ensure a diverse and inclusive workforce, we actively engage with our partners in equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
Together, we develop attraction strategies that target diverse talent pools, promoting an inclusive work environment that values and embraces individual differences.


Additionally, we support individuals within your organization by providing access to our seasonal work program and cultural exchange program.
These initiatives allow participants to gain valuable work experience, broaden their cultural perspectives, and contribute to a vibrant and diverse hospitality workforce.


With Glemer International’s expertise in HR recruitment and consulting, you can rely on our tailored staffing solutions and management services to meet your organization’s specific needs in the hospitality industry. We are dedicated to optimizing employee potential, bridging skills gaps, and ensuring the long-term success of your hospitality business.

Are Looking for Staffing Solutions? Let Us Assist You.

Contact us now for all your staffing and HR outsourcing service needs.